Saturday, February 26, 2011

Roll of the Dice

Do you ever feel like some days you roll the dice whether you will actually workout that day? You have the mental dialogue in your head.. "Workout today... Yea sure... maybe later... what's the point, I will start tomorrow". Then, there are days you have all the drive and desire in the world. You are unstoppable. Why the heck does this happen? How can you go from a stale, unmotivated slug to a woman with a quest to bring her sexy back?

That song has to make you move!

I hear all the time from clients and friends they just don't have the desire to workout or they are stuck in a workout rut. They are bored, unmotivated and figure what's the point, nothing will change anyways. This can be challenging if you don't have a vision or a goal.

Generally speaking, we all workout to look good and feel good. Right? Of course we do. Who doesn't want to look good in swimsuit or a little dress this summer? If someone tells you they don't care, they are full of it! Yes of course we all workout for better health but no one really rolls out of bed thinking, "I am going to hit it hard today at the gym so my heart and lungs function optimally as I age and my chances or obtaining a life threatening disease decrease drastically...". This should be the sole reason to sweat and push yourself but us humans we just don't always think that way.

Back to the source of the problem, motivation. If motivation was canned and sold we would be a more powerful and productive world. Since opening up a can of motivation daily isn't a feasible solution, it's time to set some goals. Usually, when you have a goal date or event in mind your motivation goes through the roof. You have a time frame you want to get in shape by or you have a race you want to prepare for. These things are a HUGE kick in the pants! When your just idling and have nothing your actually working towards, your motivation can be seriously depressing.

Personally, I currently have all the motivation of a bull waiting to be released from it's gate! I can not WAIT to get my sexy back and take sole possession of my body. I have a goal, a date and will have my training program in place when this little boy decides he will enter this world. I would like to can my current motivation and save it for a few months from now.

If your lacking the drive it's time to sit down and write yourself some goals. Write down your long term goal... bikini by June, personal best with a certain lift, break a time in a race, WHATEVER it is write it down. Then break down that goal into smaller ones that will be your check points along the way.

Next, figure out what factors are holding you back. Is it your diet? Lack of training program? Lack of social support? Now change those things! Make a commitment to your diet and clean out your fridge. Change your habits even if it is one thing daily, like eating protein at breakfast (still boggles my mind that some people don't). Hire a personal trainer to set you on the right path towards your goal. If your lacking social support, sit down with your family and friends and tell them why your making changes. I guarantee that once explained, people will support you more and encourage you along the way.

So, throw the dice away. Create some goals for yourself and believe they are attainable and then crack a can of your own motivation and let it fly!

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