Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You Against the Clock

Can't decide what to do for a workout today? Here ya go, my Boot Camp ladies kicked butt today with this one. Set your stop watch and try to beat it... just one more rep than last time!

Warm Up 5-10 minutes, get the blood pumping and body ready to go

Perform 10 60 second intervals with 20 seconds of rest in between X 2 (1:20 rest period between cycles)

1. Goblet Squat

2. Band Resistance Push Ups

3. Toe Taps on Bench (fast toe taps, heart rate up!)

4. Squat to Lateral Raise, pause at the top

5. Duck Unders with a DB Punch

6. Stability Ball Pike

7. Lateral Jumps or Power Skips

8. Mountain Climbers

9. Squat to Band Pull Apart

10. Sprints

Cool Down and Stretch- great 45 minute workout!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

One FIT Mom- A Must Read!

We all have people who inspire us daily, at least I hope we all do. Whether it is someone in your immediate life or someone you have never officially met, these people light some excitement and drive in you and make you feel like anything is possible. Meet Ginny Gardea...

This is a woman who truly does inspire me. I have never met Ginny outside of the internet world but none the less she is an amazing and motivating woman. She is a full time corporate working mother of 2 little ones who has big goals for herself outside the roles of mother and wife. Don't get me wrong, those are some of the most precious parts we play in life, but she has crafted a piece of herself that is only for her. Read on...

**Question** Quite a few years ago, I remember reading your journal over at Figure Athlete. I believe it was after you had your first child? You are now preparing for another competition and have since had baby #2.  Amazing! What inspired you to compete again after your 2nd pregnancy?

Ginny: I love to compete. I had some unfinished business to attend to after my last season. We made the decision to take some time off to grow our little family but it was always in the cards to return to the stage. I don’t know how long I’ll be a competitive figure athlete. I take one season at a time. For now, I find the process very fulfilling. It’s something that’s MINE. As a mother, wife, career person—we find ourselves in a position to give, give, give. All of these things are life-enriching and come before anything else but at the end of the day I think it’s important for women to have something to call their own. This strange little hobby is mine.

**Question** Your a full time working mom and have numerous responsibilities on your plate, how in the world do you juggle it all? Any organization tips?

Ginny: Oh, yes. Multi-task or die. Our home runs like a well-oiled machine. Thankfully, the little people in my life are of the personality types that require a great deal of structure it works pretty well for everyone. We operate on a pretty regular schedule which makes planning easier.

I’m a list maker and post-it note addict. If it’s not written down it might not get done. I have what my husband calls a “playbook” (we’re a sports family) on the fridge that includes step-by-step what needs to get done when everyone gets up and another for when everyone gets home—bottles in the washer, clothes laid out, food prepped and packed, etc.

With regard to tips—shop for and prep your food in bulk. I have a stocked freezer. My kitchen is in a constant cycle of thaw, prep, pack. I cook proteins for 3-4 days at a time and cut it in advance. There are large bags of prepped and sliced veggies, ready to go. Tupperware and zip-lock baggies are my friends.

I rarely do one thing at a time. I can’t remember the last time I just sat and watched TV without my laptop for work and a pile of laundry at my feet.

The thing you can’t plan for are snuggles and playtime. They just need to come first. Those are the constants (at least I try) and everything else falls into place around it.

Sleep is my greatest sacrifice. Is it always healthy? Probably not, but for now it’s the only way to fit everything in and I don’t want to give everything up. I’m up at 3 am to start my work day so that I can continue to train for competitions without it negatively impacting the lives of my family. Annie is still up for at least one feeding in the middle of the night and my four-year-old is a bit of a restless sleeper, so even my four to five hours of rest is fragmented. I nap on the weekends and just know that it won’t last forever. Someday the babies will be grown and I’ll be done with my hectic competition schedule. Right now, it’s just a little nuts and I’m ok with that.

**Question** You obviously have a very supportive husband. That is awesome :).  Do people ever question you why you continue to do what you do?  Some people just don't understand the need to compete.  What does prepping and competing do for you personally?

Ginny: Yes, my husband is incredibly supportive. I could not do this without his patience and encouragement. He’s a true partner both with the kids and at home. He almost always cooks his own meals. I stock the fridge and he’s a trooper with coming up with whatever he wants to eat. We co-parent 50/50 with shuttling kids and all of the other care as well (except nighttime…that’s mom’s gig).
Many people don’t understand my sport. I’m totally ok with that. When asked, I do my best to explain that this is an athletic endeavor for me. The actual competition is the icing on the cake. I’m challenged by the training process. I love to see what the human body is capable of. The structure is something that fits my personality and lifestyle. I really do love the journey. It’s been a big growth experience for me over the last four years.

Who knows how long I’ll do this but for now, it’s something that’s important to me and I make every single effort to do it in a way that has a “zero effect” on my family. I would work out and eat well regardless of the competition aspects and my prep is managed in a way by my trainer and nutritionist that there is never any drastic dieting or marathon gym sessions. Life is pretty balanced. Family always comes first and if ever there becomes a time when that’s challenged, I’ll be done.

**Question**  What does a typical, if there is one being a mom, day look like for you?

3 am – up and at ‘em, laptop open and working, COFFEE
6 am – family is up and it’s “on like Donkey Kong” – breakfast, playtime
8 am – kids to daycare and back to work
3 pm – get the kids, head to the gym
5 pm – home for dinner, baby snuggles and Star Wars battles with my little guy, prep food, pick up house, get things set for the next day
7 pm – baths, stories and bedtime
8 pm – finish up work, catch up with my man, household stuff, more food prep
10 pm - bedtime
Midnight – chow time for Annie
3 am – REPEAT
*I eat 6-7 meals a day, so there’s a lot of eating happening in there for me.

**Question**  Did you have to change your training at all after your second pregnancy?

Ginny: Yes, my prep changed. It actually was easier. I really scaled back my workouts while pregnant. I just exercised because it made me feel good. I focused on moderate cardio and strength training and got tons of rest. I think my body needed the break. Funny how carrying a watermelon in your womb equates to a “break” but somehow it did. When I got back on my training program with my coach, things just happened really quickly. It helped that I kept my weight gain to about 20 lbs. but still…I was surprised. There may be some good genetics in play there in addition to good old fashioned hard work.

**Question** You are an incredibly fit woman. What do you believe has helped you the most in getting your physique to where it is now?

Ginny: I think there are a couple factors. First, I have an amazing team behind me. I work with John and Roxana Kreklo of Onstage Image for nutrition and training. It’s always changing but they seem to find just the right plan for what I need at the time and keep me healthy. The second is plain hard work—just pounding it out in the gym. I do a lot of traditional training, olympic-style weightlifting, push ups, pull ups, etc. Variety is key—we throw lots of plyometrics in to the mix. I think you also have to love it. You might not love it all the time but in general, the actual “work” has to be fun. The gym is my sanctuary in this crazy life. I plug in my iPod and punch-out from the real world for a little while.

**Question**  Any favorite diet friendly recipes or meals you can't live without?

Ginny: I love food. I get a lot of it, too. I don’t really have favorite recipes. What I have developed is an appreciation for food in a natural state. I like good, wholesome food. I don’t want for much. I miss wine when I’m in prep mode. I do love a good glass of Pinot at the end of the day.

**Question**  What are you goals after this next competition?  Do you plan to keep on competing?

Ginny: I need to requalify for nationals at one of my next two shows (Vancouver Natural and Emerald Cup). From there, I plan to hit the national circuit to go once more for my pro card. I don’t look beyond this season. Who knows what next year will bring. For now, I’m committed to these first two shows with a few national shows on the horizon. After that…it’s anybody’s guess.

**Question**  Lastly, if you could give any advice to a woman who is struggling to find time to workout or work towards a goal they have dreamed of, what would you tell them?

Ginny: Take time for yourself even if it’s just an hour a day. It’s hard to justify when everyone needs so much from you but you will be a happier, healthier, more well-adjusted mom, wife and coworker if you do so. There is no guilt in caring for your needs too!

To follow Ginny's remaining weeks of preparation for the Emerald Cup, check out her blog:

Thank you Ginny for taking the time to share a glimpse of your daily life. I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for this incredible woman!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Home Stretch

Jenn is a client of mine who has been busting her butt to hit the stage again in a few weeks. She is a dedicated woman who has made sacrifices daily to work at this goal. Sleep, food and family time have taken the back seat occasionally... well frequently lately, to attain this goal of hers. She is a very inspiring woman. She's a full time teacher, mother and wife. So, next time you think you don't have time to workout, take a page from Jenn's book, there always is time to workout even if it means seeing the 3 o'clock hour. You just have to want it bad enough.

With 3 weeks left until go time, here is a shout out to Jenn and all her hard work! Right now her body is saying NO but her head is saying bring it on. Drive, passion and hard work, Jenn has it nailed.

Turn your speakers up, perfect song!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Breakfast Worth Waiting For

I hear quite frequently, "I am so sick of my breakfast choices in the morning." Oatmeal.. eggs... egg white omelete... fruit with Greek yogurt... gets boring.

If you have never tried a protein pancake your missing out! They can be time consuming but they ARE worth the wait. A good friend of mine who is attending culinary school in New York City this spring sent me a recipe for pancakes she makes quite frequently. I gave her recipe a try this morning and YUM! Sean, who only ever eats eggs as his first meal, was peering over my shoulder while I was cooking and said he wanted to try it next time I made them... I think he knew I wasn't sharing mine ;). My mouth watering pancakes were cooking next to his fried eggs on the stove and I guess mine looked a bit more tasty.

check out the size of that pancake!

Power Pancakes

1/2c quick cooking oats
1/2c eggwhites (approximately 4 egg whites)
1/2c fat free cottage cheese
cinnamon and cocoa powder to taste

Mix together in a bowl (I blended mine for a liquid consistency).
Cook in frying pan at med-high temperature for approx. 2min on each side, or until preferred.

Best to eat for Breakfast, or pre/post workout.
Can add sugar free syrup, greek yogurt with berries, or a few dark chocolate chips (Very popular!).

I put a very small amount of peanut butter on top... seriously good. Fluffy, moist, tasty and VERY filling! I can't wait for her to share more recipes in the future!


Monday, March 14, 2011

6 Fitness Splurges Worth the Money - On Fitness (

6 Fitness Splurges Worth the Money - On Fitness (

Personally, I have utilized 5 out of the 6 suggestions... well kinda.

1. Behavior Changing Program- if you took into account self help books or motivation books, then yes I've definitely utilized this tip.

2. Fitness Retreat or Boot Camp- ahhh yep got that covered!

3. Exercise Coach- yes I hired a personal trainer, Rachel Cosgrove, to prep me for my 1st and 3rd competition. I am a NASM certified personal trainer and still reached out to an expert to help get me ready for my comps. Having a coach or a personal trainer is worth every penny spent!

4. GPS or sport watch- my workouts live and die by my heart rate monitor. I don't know what I would do without it.

5. Treadmill Work Station... have yet to attempt this, but never say never.

6. Home Gym- LOVE my home gym! There is no reason to not workout when you have one. I am constantly trying to find ways to enhance it. We have a full squat rack with plates, bench, dumbbells up to 65lbs, bands, balls, med balls, TRX, ropes, jump rope, ab straps, chin up bar, Airdyne bike, treadmill, slide board, mats... the list goes on and on. Next on the list is plyo boxes and maybe a glute ham raise machine.

If your still struggling with a program have YOU utilized all your resources?!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Third Trimester Workout, 9 Weeks and Counting!

Third trimester is in full effect. Baby pressing on my bladder, body parts poking me in the ribs, random rolling movements of my stomach, more fatigue and maybe slowing down a bit. Bed time is coming earlier and earlier these days. However, I still get up at 4:30ish most mornings of the week and I am on the go all day.

With my first pregnancy, I did very little in the 1st trimester for fear of losing the pregnancy. I eventually began running and did through most of the 2nd trimester. I slowed down to a walks pace by about week 30 and then by week 34 I was told by my doctor it was time to take it easy. I had high blood pressure and was put off of work and was ordered to rest up. I followed his orders until about week 37 when I decided that it was time to bring this baby into the world. I went for a long walk, got my heart rate up relatively high and sure enough our son was born the next day! I had a hidden agenda to going into labor early. The Ducks were in the playoffs and home for a few games but were leaving for a road trip soon. I was so scared of having that baby without my husband or family around. Our son, Will, was born on May 14, 2006. He was a bit of a peanut only 6 lbs 2 oz and 19 inches. Although little, he was healthy and we were very blessed with a great little boy.

Fast forward 5 years, our second son is expected on May 14, crazy huh? Guess we know when the off season for hockey is ;). I have less than 9 weeks left! I had a check up last week and my blood pressure was 100/60 and I have gained 30 lbs so far. I only gained 25 with my first. I was amazed at how much I have gained given I workout 4-6 days a week, religiously. I have eaten relatively healthy. I am much more active this time than last. My doctor has zero concern over my weight and said the baby is a healthy boy who is a bit bigger than the average baby at this point in a pregnancy. So I got the green light to keep doing what I am doing.

I feel great so far and I am ready to meet my little built in med ball in a few short weeks! He has already logged quite a few workouts with me. I have a short attention span for training programs lately. I find that I have major ADD when it comes to workouts and need lots of variety and fun to keep me motivated right now. I CAN NOT wait to start a program post baby. But for now, variety is the spice to my workout motivation.

Todays Workout:

10 minute high incline walk on treadmill (heart rate 140-155)

10 minute Circuit: used Workout Muse to keep me going... 60 seconds work, 30 seconds rest X 7 (heart rate 130-160)

1. Barbell Front Squat Push Press

2. Battling Ropes

3. DB Reverse Lunges

4. Band Assisted Chin Ups... I can still get 8-10 reps using a wide width band

5. Battling Ropes

6. Med Ball Mountain Climbers

7. Kettlebell Swings- used 16 kg Kettlebell (roughly 35lbs)

10 Minute High Incline Walk (heart rate between 140-155)

REPEATED it all again for a fun 60 minute workout!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hot and Sweaty Summer Nights

The weather this past week in southern California has been awesome! With this warmer weather, brings the anticipation of summer. I am super excited about a new class I am going to offer come June 1st. It will be on a limited basis and very different from my regular boot camp style classes. This evening class will surely keep your summer bikini body in tip top shape!

Look for this announcement with more details in the months to come!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011