Friday, October 29, 2010

Tis The Season

I know that there are quite a few people whom are beginning to train for an upcoming race this winter. November marks the kick off to a well laid out training season. Everyone has the hopes to run through the holidays and keep the extra pounds away. There is one key tool to a successful season that is often forgotten- the foam roller. It is such an important component to keeping your body healthy and moving down the road.

Taking the time to roll is so important and the benefits outweigh the discomfort it typically causes. Spend a good 5-10 minutes rolling these areas, numerous times during the week.

IT Band





I will guarantee that if you dedicate the time doing these movements you will immediately notice you move better and feel better. The foam roller helps your soft tissue, joints and ability to recover.

Put it in your training program, no excuses.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fit Momma

I have a built-in med ball growing inside. It's hard to notice now, but I am sure it won't be in the months ahead. I am almost 12 weeks and I am feeling great... finally. The first trimester was a bit of a blur. It was mixed with the exciting emotions of finding out I was pregnant on the day we moved into our new house. Packing and unpacking while trying to figure out why I had no energy. Settling into a new house and trying to stay awake past 7:30 (my alarm goes off most mornings at 4:45). Working and being a mom and wife. Last but not least, fitting in my own workouts because I just don't function well without exercise. It is my life source. It gives me life, energy and simply makes me feel good!

So with the knowledge that you shouldn't start anything new when you are pregnant, I decided I had earned the right to keep on plugging away lifting weights, running and everything else I was doing before I got pregnant. I had my first doctor's appointment and everything looked good. I had great blood pressure 100 over 70. I had only gained 2 lbs. My goal for this pregnancy is to be as fit and healthy as possible.

Today's Workout

Foam Roll
Dynamic Warm Up (jump rope, shuffles, inchworms, hops, lateral lunges, pushups, etc...)

A1 Back Squat
A2 Chin Ups (unassisted)

B1 Step Ups
B2 TRX Inverted Rows

C1 TRX Leg Curls
C2 TRX Push Up to Pike

I finished with 60 seconds of work and 60 seconds of rest: med ball burpees, mountain climbers, wood chops, med ball squats and skater hops/touches

The one big difference I have noticed is my ability to recover. I let my heart rate come down and catch my breath between all movements. This should be an interesting pregnancy compared to my first. I ran through the first one but never lifted weights. I am curious to see the differences. My blood pressure was high towards the end of my first pregnancy and was on a moderate bed rest.

I hope to inspire more women to see pregnancy as a time to continue being fit and exercising for your health and the baby growing inside you.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What's In Your Powder

This past summer, Consumer Reports revealed a study they conducted on various protein powders and the hidden contaminants found in them. You may recognize a few of the brands tested. We recognized one immediately. It was in our pantry- Muscle Milk. Here is the info taken from Consumer Reports website:
We purchased 15 protein powders and drinks mainly in the New York metro area or online and tested multiple samples of each for arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. The results showed a considerable range, but levels in three products were of particular concern because consuming three servings a day could result in daily exposure to arsenic, cadmium, or lead exceeding the limits proposed by USP.

We found that three daily servings of the ready-to-drink liquid EAS Myoplex Original Rich Dark Chocolate Shake provides an average of 16.9 micrograms (µg) of arsenic, exceeding the proposed USP limit of 15 µg per day, and an average of 5.1 µg of cadmium, which is just above the USP limit of 5 µg per day. Concentrations in most products were relatively low, but when taking into account the large serving size suggested, the number of micrograms per day for a few of the products was high compared with most others tested.

The samples of Muscle Milk Chocolate powder we tested contained all four heavy metals, and levels of three metals in the product were among the highest of all in our tests. Average cadmium levels of 5.6 µg in three daily servings slightly exceeded the USP limit of 5 µg per day, and the average lead level of 13.5 µg also topped the USP limit of 10 µg per day. The average arsenic level of 12.2 µg was approaching the USP limit of 15 µg per day, and the average for mercury was 0.7 µg, well below the USP's 15 µg-per-day limit. Three daily servings of Muscle Milk Vanilla Crème contained 12.2 µg of lead, exceeding lead limits, and 11.2 µg of arsenic. A fourth product, Muscle Milk Nutritional Shake Chocolate (liquid), provided an average of 14.3 µg of arsenic per day from three servings, approaching the proposed USP limit.

Cadmium raises special concern because it accumulates in and can damage the kidneys, the same organs that can be damaged by excessive protein consumption. And it can take 20 years for the body to eliminate even half the cadmium absorbed today.

"This is a highly toxic metal, and while there are some cases where decisions have to be weighed against relative risks, accepting that you have to be exposed to any cadmium at all in your protein drink after your workout is definitely not one of them," says Michael Harbut, M.D., director of the Environmental Cancer Initiative at the Karmanos Cancer Institute in Royal Oak, Mich.

"When these toxic heavy metals are combined in a product that is marketed for daily use, that raises serious public health concerns, especially for pregnant women, children, and young adults," says Burns, who has been a toxicology consultant to state and federal government agencies.

For most people, protein drinks are not the only possible source of exposure to heavy metals, but they are an easily avoidable one, since most people can meet their protein needs, help minimize exposure to contaminants, and save money by choosing the right foods.

Shellfish and organ meats such as liver can be high in cadmium, and some plant foods such as potatoes, rice, sunflower seeds, spinach, and other leafy greens can also take in significant amounts of the metal from the environment, due in large part to the use of cadmium-containing phosphate fertilizers, according to Bruce A. Fowler, a researcher at the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Food and Drug Administration research suggests that foods such as milk, yogurt, eggs, poultry, and red meats are generally good protein sources that seem to contain little or no cadmium, lead, arsenic, or mercury. For perspective about the relative risks exposure to those metals can pose, consider the agency's list of 275 hazardous substances at toxic waste sites: Arsenic, lead, and mercury rank Nos. 1, 2, and 3, and cadmium is No. 7, based on risks to people around those sites.

Robert Wright, M.D., an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, who is conducting research on the health effects of exposure to toxic metals, says, "Small amounts of exposure are inevitable, but a product that exceeds the USP limit is clearly doing something wrong."

Being exposed simultaneously to a mixture of toxins can also potentially increase health risks, particularly when they target the same organs or systems, as some metals we detected do, according to Harbut. He says that this is the result of a synergistic effect, meaning the effects of two toxic substances together can be even greater than those of the sum of the two, and not enough research has been done to determine whether that occurs from multiple exposures to even relatively low levels of those heavy metals.

After reading that issue of Consumer Reports, I promptly threw out that protein powder and looked for another source. I came across a brand that I have now used for over 2 months and really do like it. BiPro is an all natural protein powder with no artificial sweeteners or fillers. It is Gluten free, sugar free, lactose free and fat free. It is unflavored and easily mixed.

I use it in my oatmeal in the morning and you would never know it was in there. I flavor my oatmeal with whole foods such as fruit, rather than artificial flavors.
Here is the link if you're looking for a new protein powder for those quick meals or snacks!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Turkey Day Run!

This was brought to my attention the other day and I wanted to spread the word as well. Here is a link to a local road race for Thanksgiving Day-

The mission statement is pretty inspring as well:
Plymouth Rock N' Run is dedicated to advancing cures for spinal cord injuries, neuromuscular, and neurological disorders with hopes of improving the lives of those who have experienced incapacitating injuries and illnesses.
A sustainable source of grassroots funding is provided in support of a local, but America's largest and most progressive, spinal-cord research organization: The Reeve-Irvine Research Center at UC - Irvine.
Through exposing the value and urgency for such treatments, the Plymouth Rock N' Run annual 5K fun-run facilitates collaborative individual and business efforts, enhances the ideals of social responsibility, and promotes social action to achieve improved health for a world-wide community.

I just may squeeze this in my morning! Who else will be there?!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Boot Camp Info & FAQ's

We are starting a new series of classes Monday, October 25th. I have had a few people inquiring about what my workouts entail. So here is the lowdown!

Q: How longs does the series last?
A: Each series last 8 weeks. We meet Monday, Wednesday and every other Friday at 5:30 am at Toyon Park in Anaheim Hills. We start at 5:30 sharp, so arrive a tad early to set your stuff up. We finish by 6:15! You can be in the shower by 6:30 or home before you kids wake up!

Q What do I need to bring?
A: At the beginning of each series I will give you a calender of classes. That calendar will dictate what you will bring for each given day. Our current calendar has participants bringing a mat and a set of dumbbells on Mondays. On Wednesdays, they bring the same equipment as well as a stability ball. Friday is a little different. I like everyone to bring either 1 heavy dumbbell or 2 (depends on the program I write for that month), ball and mat. I expect everyone to bring a bottle of water and an open and positive attitude! We do actually have fun! Every now and then I bring my own equipment to use or the infamous Frisbees. You have to attend to know what that means.

Q: How heavy should my dumbbells be?
A: Just ask me! I will help you figure this out! Send me an email

Q: What about the weather? It is getting colder?!
A: OK... I promise you that you will not be cold! Get out of bed. Put a few layers on but wear something light underneath because It will be exposed. One participant had a tank top on this morning and it was in the low 50's.

Q: What about rain?
A: I will have you give me your cell phone # at the start of the series. If there ever is a morning were it is raining just to hard and I am afraid someone would get hurt, I will text you by 5 AM letting you know the class is canceled. I will pick another day to reschedule it.

Q: I am nervous because I haven't worked out in a long time, should I just go to the gym and get in shape before I attend?
A: No!! I welcome all levels and really do have all levels!! I adapt exercises, offer alternative movements and never have an intimidating environment. I have always hesitated to use the term "boot camp" because that truly is not the setting of our workouts. It is just that "our workouts". I never belittle or make you feel like you can't do something... way not my personality. I listen to what people like and don't like and implement what I know works to achieve those desired results.

Q: What results can I expect?
A: This is the fun part! I have watched women completely transform their bodies into shapely, feminine and lean physiques! You can expect to love the way you feel for getting up and putting yourself first before anything else happens in your day. You can expect to realize you just may be a morning person after all! You can expect to love the variety I bring to every workout! You can expect to fit into clothes you had never thought you really would wear again. You can expect to love working out with another 10-20 women who are very encouraging and great women all around!

So there you have it! Expect only the best because that is what I intend to bring to you every morning!

If you have any further questions please email me!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quick Weekend Workout

Jamie Eason- one fit woman!

Here is a quick weekend workout for you.

Warm Up Ladder- get your blood pumping and a little sweat rolling

- 20 Jumping Jacks
- 15 Lateral Lunges
- 10 Squats
- 5 Burpees
reverse order back up ladder, rest and repeat

Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with 15-30 seconds rest in between (depending on level), cycle through circuit 2-3 times

Circuit 1
1. DB High Pull
2. Bench Step Overs
3. Med Ball Burpees (press med ball over head or bring to chest when standing, depending upon level)
4. Dead Bugs

rest 60 seconds

Circuit 2
1. Med Ball Wood Chops
2. Bosu Mountain Climbers (simply eliminate Bosu if you don't have one)
3. Squats or Jump Squats (advanced, explode off the ground and go for speed)
4. Stability Ball Knee Ins

rest 60 seconds
Cycle though the circuit 2- 3 times

A heart pumping total body workout! Go hard and then enjoy your weekend!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fitness Tools

Within my 8 week series of classes, I occasionally have a day where I bring all the equipment. Today, I purchased a new tool for the arsenal of fitness fun!

The Power Wheel! I am looking forward to incorporating it into our workouts. A new piece of equipment always makes for a fun session.

The other tools we use:


Battling Rope

Agility Ladder

Med Balls



And the list goes on, bands, jump ropes, stability balls, agility dots, frisbees....

A new 8 week series of classes starts October 25th. That gives you 8 week until the season of holiday parties!

Email me if you have any questions!

A Pink Recipe

In honor of Breast Cancer Month, a healthy recipe to enjoy!

Strawberry Coconuts

6 ounces nonfat Cottage Cheese
1/4 cup Coconut Milk
1 cup sliced strawberries (reserve a few to top)
Unsweetened Coconut to sprinkle on top

Blend cottage cheese, coconut milk and strawberries. Pour in serving dish and top with a few strawberries and shredded coconut. Enjoy!

Approximately 250 cals, 12 grams Fat (healthy though!), 16 grams Protein, 23 grams Carbs