Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Boot Camp Hill Sprints & Suggested Treadmill Workout

If your goal is fat loss, then long slow runs outside this summer shouldn't be your focus. I can completely understand the need to get out in the sun, take in the scenery and log some mind numbing miles. These runs should be for fun and mind rejuvenation... if that's your thing.

If stripping the fat and getting your workout done fast and fierce is your plan then some hill sprints are a sure fire way to do so.

Boot Camp this morning- ladies getting the job done, the hill is a bit deceiving, definitely tough

If you have access to a great hill, then get outside. First off set a goal for each workout. It may be only making it up the hill one time or it may be 5-10 times. Each week you do this workout add one additional sprint. Warm up for 5-10 minutes prior to sprints. Then run with all you have until you reach the top, pause to make sure you are still alive and make your descent to the bottom. Repeat

Your guide to great sprinting is monitoring how you feel once you reach the top. If you are completely out of breath and need a good few minutes to recover, then you are right where you should be. Another great tool to keep tabs on how hard you are working is a heart rate monitor. Need help figuring out where you should be on these sprints? Then click HERE.

If you have to drive to the next town... town- that would be the northern Minnesota small town girl coming out :)... to find a good hill but you have access to a treadmill, then here is a great workout to try! The suggested speeds and inclines are for a rather advanced runner. Be wise and adjust the workout to your level.

Time Speed Incline
0-10 minutes 6.0 -7.0 mph 0%
10:00-11:00 8.5-9.5 mph 4%
11:00-13:00 3.0 mph 1%
13:00-14:00 8.5-9.5 mph 6%
14:00-16:00 3.0 mph 1%
16:00-17:00 8.0-9.0 mph 8%
17:00-19:00 3.0 mph 1%
19:00-20:00 8.0-9.0 mph 8%
20:00-22:00 3.0 mph 1%
22:00-22:30 8.5-9.5 mph 9%
23:30-24:30 3.0 mph 1%
24:30-25:00 8.5-9.5 mph 10%
25:00-26:00 3.0 mph 1%
26:00-26:30 8.5-9.5 mph 11%
26:30-27:30 3.0 mph 1%
27:30-28:00 8.5-9.5 mph 12%
28:00-30:00 3.0 mph 0%

Time to motivate yourself and try something different if the flat land is where you like to reside. Some hills thrown in your workout will give you huge results!

My parting tip, don't quit before you reach the top or stop the sprint with 5 seconds left... those final feet and seconds are what can take you to the next level. If you are already working this hard, why cheat yourself the full benefits.

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