Monday, June 20, 2011

Goal Attained & Lesson Learned

Just three weeks ago, I posted my 5 personal goals regarding fitness. Today, I achieved my goal to run 3 miles under 24 minutes. The last 3-4 minutes my heart rate was through the roof!! I was using all the mind tricks possible to not quit.

During that last 1/2 mile I glanced at my heart rate monitor. It read 173 bpm. I typically see 172-175 bpm when I am doing a timed interval. Those intervals are usually only 60 seconds long with a good rest in between. I feel pretty beat after 60. What I am getting at is, I held a very high heart rate, for almost 3-4 minutes. I didn't think I would be able to keep that pace. However, I wanted to beat that clock so bad that I hung in there.

The take away message is you are stronger than you think you are. You are faster than you believe you are. You can focus on something when everything around you or in you says to quit. If you set goals and share them with friends, family or the internet world in my case, you will achieve them and learn something new about yourself when doing so!

If you have a burning desire in you whether it is to shed 5 pounds... cut out the sweets at night... exercise 3-4 times a week... serve healthier meals for your family... be able to do 10 perfect push ups... drink more water and less soda... write it down and share it with someone else!

My lesson learned today- I am definitely faster than I thought I was and pretty sure I need to up my intensity during those intervals. It is time to set a new goal.

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