Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Are You a Mom? A Must Read Then!

I am writing this post while holding my 3 week old sleeping baby. That is motherhood in a nutshell. We are incredible at multitasking. We take on one of the most important jobs in the world, raising our children to be well behaved, loving, educated and productive members of our society all while cleaning the house, paying bills, doing laundry, helping with homework, etc....

Somewhere within that heavily loaded job requirement, some women can't find time for themselves. Their day is so full that there isn't even 30-40 minutes 4 times a week to dedicate to fitness and exercise. Really? Is there not 160 minutes in a weeks time to workout? I know most women sleep about 6-7 hours at night but for the sake of the recommended 8 hours that leaves you 16 hours a day, that is 960 minutes a day... 6720 minutes a week to get everything you do in a day accomplished... so 160 minutes of those 6720 is hard to find? That is only 2% of your total time!

Now that I have you convinced that you DO have time, I will provide you with a 40 minute workout to squeeze into your day :).

30-40 Minute Workout for Gym or Home

Perform the exercises in a circuit fashion and repeat 3-4 times depending on level

1. 1/4 mile run/sprint (if you are stuck at home, get a jump rope and and jump for 2 minutes)

rest 30-45 seconds

2. 25 reps of Kettlebell Swings, don't know what a swing is check out this post, there is a link to a great article on the swing (home workout: grab your bottle of laundry detergent, it must weigh at least 10 lbs, and perform 20 Reverse Lunges)

rest 30-45 seconds

3. 15-25 Burpees

rest 30- 45 seconds

4. 30-50 Mountain Climbers

rest 30-45 seconds

5. 25-45 Low Stance Wide Out Squats (squat down low, jump feet out wide, return to start and repeat for reps... stay low the entire time- great burn for the booty!)

rest 2 minutes and REPEAT entire circuit!

A great website turned me on to a great finisher, "plank play". Check out Coach Dos' site here, full of great info and workouts!

We all know what planks are but putting them at the end of your workout is killer.

5 rounds of 60 seconds plank hold, 15 seconds rest. Alternate between prone and side holds. My abs and entire body were on fire when the 5 minutes were up!

That workout only took .5% of your entire weeks time. More importantly, you will be a better mom because you took the time to do it for yourself.

My stats from this workout today... 40 minutes total
1. 1/4 mile sprint approx, 8 minute mile pace
rest 30

2. 40 reps of 24 kg Kettlebell Swings
rest 30

3. 25 Burpees
rest 30

4. 45 Low Stance Wideout Squats
rest 2 minutes and repeated 4 times

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